Past photos of its landscape have revealed images of spoons, squirrels, campfires and women wearing dresses, Gizmodo reports. The planetary portal is just the latest in a long list of familiar-looking objects space enthusiasts have seen on Mars. “I think what we have here either two vertical fractures, where the middle piece has been removed, or one vertical fracture, and the blocks have moved apart a little bit,” Vasavada said. NASA’s Curiosity Rover Spots a Doorway on Mars TOPICS: Curiosity JPL Mars NASA Planets Popular By NASA NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured images of a mound of rock on Mount Sharp called East Cliffs that features a fracture that resembles a doorway. “So what if it’s only a few inches? How do we know what size our overlords will actually be?” one conspiracy theorist posted on Reddit. His Debbie Downer statement has not dimmed the Martian rumor mill. The doorway would have been carved by very tiny Martians: the rocky fracture is only a foot tall, Vasavada said. The image of what looks to be a symmetrical, created Martian portal, captured May 7 by NASA’s Curiosity rover, has ignited a cosmic array of speculation. In reality, “it’s just the space between two fractures in a rock,” Mars Science Laboratory project scientist Ashwin Vasavada told tech site Gizmodo on Friday, adding “we’ve been traversing through an area that has formed from ancient sand dunes.” Those dunes cement together through the eons, creating rocky outcrops, while shifting sands would reveal different images of the planet’s surface over time. “If you zoom in all the way you can see Matt Damon crouching inside the doorway,” noted one wise guy on Reddit. The image of what looks to be a symmetrical, hand-hewn Martian portal, captured May 7 by NASA’s Curiosity rover, has ignited a cosmic array of speculation, conspiracy theories and dreams of intelligent life on the red planet.

It’s not a stairway to heaven – it’s a doorway on Mars.

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